Current Issues in Refugee Education


Starting in about 2007 large numbers of immigrants began to flow from their homes in the Middle East toward Europe. Many headed toward Lebanon, Greece and Turkey seeking refuge. By 2011 these nations put in place border controls as each one was beginning to feel overburdened by the undocumented immigrants arriving at their doorsteps. At this point in time millions of Syrians have left Syria to find a safer place to call home. About half of those Syrians are children.

At nearly the same time in Asia, the people of Burma (Myanmar) who had been living with religious persecution and violence under military rule since the 1960's had reached the end of their rope and began what would be a succession of protests against the brutal treatment they endured under the military government. These protests would continue throughout the decades and reach a new pinnacle in the summer of 2007 which lead many to seek refuge in Thailand. At present the people of Burma are still suffering all manner of human rights abuses and their exodus continues to take place.

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