Curating in the Continuous Present: A Rehearsal For Gertrude Stein's Objects Lie on a Table

Derek Liddington

Derek Liddington, Two views of bananas in different bowls, on separate days. Two views of bananas, 2015. Graphite on canvas, hand painted water colour on oak. Courtesy of the artist and Daniel Faria Gallery, Toronto.

Liddington works across genres to investigate Modern art discourse by re-performing its formal experiments in unconventional ways. Like Stein, Liddington interrogates the still life genre by playing around with how it is composed. Observation becomes performative action and touch becomes a representational device; and over time action records its own process of making. Here Liddington drapes bananas in two different bowls, and on two different days, and records their cubist “views” in graphite. “He said that he invents nothing and then I say do not invent a table cloth today do not let the table table that you invented stay. And he says I am very willing but I have had to invent something to fill in and I say to him you had better really have it and he says I am not able to get it…” (Objects, 108)

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