Curating in the Continuous Present: A Rehearsal For Gertrude Stein's Objects Lie on a Table

Derek Liddington, He spent four months walking in circles, looking for food until he could walk no further due to the weight of his bundle, 2015.

Derek Liddington, He spent four months walking in circles, looking for food until he could walk no further due to the weight of his bundle, 2015. Unfired clay, cotton. Courtesy of the artist and Daniel Faria Gallery, Toronto.

Liddington is interested in how narrative movement can be captured by objects. This work has a story, with the traces of its narrative embodied in its form. Liddington left these “fruits” out in his parent’s backyard and let the elements (rain, temperature changes, etc.) finish his work. Recently presented on a plinth in another exhibition, here the bundle sits on the floor, the shroud of cloth taking the shape of the fruit inside. The support (or the cloth) is now the work.

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