J. Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur's "Letters from an American Farmer"


Note: in general, British spellings of words that are still used as such in contemporary Britain were maintained (e.g. “neighbor” or “waggon”)
Letter I
  1. Orthographic cues were added, where necessary, throughout Letter I to clarify dialogue between Farmer James, the Minister, and James's wife.
  2. Capital letters were changed (from lower case) at the beginning of new sentences.
  3. General typos, misspellings, and confusing punctuation from the original edition have been corrected; in addition, select antiquated word spellings have been changed to modern spellings (in narrative order):
    1.  aukwardness] awkwardness
    2.  The eyes…leaves] The eyes…leave

Letter III
  1. Orthographic cues were added, where necessary, throughout Letter III to clarify dialogue.
  2. Capital letters were changed (from lower case) at the beginning of new sentences.
  3. General typos, misspellings, and confusing punctuation from the original edition have been corrected; in addition, select antiquated word spellings have been changed to modern spellings (in narrative order):
    1. no invisible power, giving] no invisible power giving
    2. descendents] descendants
    3. antient] ancient
    4. musketoes] mosquitoes
    5. The greatest political error, the crown…America, was, to…] The greatest political error the crown…America was to…
    6. frolicksome] frolicsome
    7. cotemporaries] contemporaries
    8. Massachuset] Massachusetts
    9. inclose] enclose
    10. farewell] farewell
    11. affect] effect
    12. always] always
    13. destinctions] distinctions
    14. crouded] crowded
    15. croud] crowded
    16. intitled] entitled
    17. distance] distance
    18. burthen] burden
    19. recal] recall
    20. skillful] skillful
    21. The farther descriptions…in particular; of…; greatly] The farther descriptions…in particular, of…, greatly
    22. their morals…seems] their morals…seem
    23. aukward] awkward
    24. whigwhams] wigwam
    25. incumbered] encumbered

Letter IX
  1. Orthographic cues were added, where necessary, throughout Letter IX to clarify dialogue.
  2. Capital letters were changed (from lower case) at the beginning of new sentences.
  3. General typos, misspellings, and confusing punctuation from the original edition have been corrected; in addition, select antiquated word spellings have been changed to modern spellings (in narrative order):
    1. expences] expenses
    2. first the richest spoils; for nothing] first the richest spoils, for nothing
    3. Masaical] Mosaical
    4. imbittered] embittered
    5. the fields, allowed] the fields allowed
    6. subsistence from, are] subsistence from are
    7. learn, from the example of their parents, to] learn from the example of their parents to
    8. dilaceration] delaceration

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