Themes of Death Depicted in Electronic Literature

Whimsical nature of content

I believe that the creator was attempting to create a contrast between the set-up of the generator and the actual possibilities of the player’s death. The generator has a somber background, which attempts to create a horror - like atmosphere. This is also accompanied by the background noises which sound like distant growling or ringing of a bell, hence furthering the narrative. Some of the possibilities are also accompanied by audio clippings of people talking about death, but their voices seem distant and foggy. There are also random sketches in red on the screen which add to the general theme. 


This,however,does not seem to be  in tandem with the almost comical possibilities such as ‘Your loose skin snags in a cab door and you are dragged two miles’ . This also adds to the general whimsy and humour of the entire generator. 


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