Themes of Death Depicted in Electronic Literature

Comparison with other works

This Is How You Will Die is quite structurally similar to other works created by Jason Nelson , specially during this time period. Similar works of e-literature by him include Clippings and Nine Attempts to Clone A Poem. Clippings , created in 2006, consists of multiple layers of randomly spread out text boxes which attempt to explore the idea that they can come together to tell a coherent story. Similarly, in Nine Attempts to Clone a Poem,  Nelson manipulates his poetry in a multitude of ways so as to create a variety of poems which he expects the reader to interpret. While it would appear that he has taken down this specific piece , there are various mentions of it on many e-literature websites . Therefore, Nelson , at least in these three pieces of e-literature, heavily relies on the power of randomness and combination to lead to coherence and a storyline.


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