Composing Collaborative Feminist Recovery Projects with Scalar

Paths: Flexibility in Navigation

Some scholars have criticized digital archive’s ability to lift spatial constraints, because it interrupts attention that comes from reading or searching a physical book for key terms. However, the digital navigation system enables a unique contextualization system in which users can engage with in a unique interpretive light.  Jeff Rice writes, “to perform a search might be to write a text; the linking, clicking and keyword following search allows for would be rhetorical strategies writers engage with when inventing and composing ideas within ever receding horizons” (Rice, np).  The goal of this digital resource is to engage in a critical practice of making connections and finding contradictions between chapters.  The labor of exploring a book nonlinearly, rather than traditionally from front to back, brings back the density of the text.  One can create highlights, form combinations, and easily access different ideas to come back to in the text.

Search Bar Function

Along with Paths, the search feature of Scalar allows the user to navigate the text through a title, description, key term or citation.  Here's the logo:

To search for names of title pages, the default search selection is "Title & Description".  To search for specific key terms or citation, select "All Fields and Metadata". For example, if searching for "Fancher" the user can enter the word into the search bar in the upper right hand corner. 

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