Civic ImaginationMain MenuThe Big Map: an Overview of the Civic ImaginationThe Big Map of Civic Imagination all over the worldNon FictionReal World Instances that inspire Civic ImaginationPopular Culture/FictionalCharacters, stories and fictional universes that resonate with communities and inspire actionMyth and FolkloreStories from cultures around the world that inspire Civic ImaginationReligiousStories based in faith and religionsMigrating the StoriesExplore the Big Map and then remix Imagination by migrating stories to new localesContributorsPeople who contributed stories to the projectGabriel Peters-Lazaro3bc3965831120bc593545fef6d0da73657e21ea0Emilia Yang0306ec8482b0946a4ad881acf758effb11741533
1-07-19T10:57:10-07:00Sisyphus6The story is about a man that’s punished by the gods for eternity. The punishment consists in pushing a rock uphill that eventually rolls back on him; crushing him.google_maps2016-07-20T07:28:58-07:0019.453494, -99.039251
The story is about a man that’s punished by the gods for eternity. The punishment consists in pushing a rock uphill that eventually rolls back on him; crushing him. Nevertheless, he does it over, and over again every day even though he’s aware of his destiny. That’s where I find it inspiring, he pushes that rock aware of his destiny, but every day is full with possibilities, defying the gods with the hope that he’ll get it the next day. That kind of inspiration I find it contagious.
I heard it first in a book full of greek myths for young adults that I read when I was younger. Accidentally, about a year ago I found a re interpretation of it by Albert Camus that makes the story very poetic, and much more inspirational. I don’t think that people are familiar with it in a direct manner, as of knowing the names of the characters but they’ve seen many reinterpretations of it. This is because people don’t read. This story resonates with me because it’s about defying the odds, with the hope that you will beat them, and that’s a global value.
This story inspires me because with everyday there’s a possibility to beat the odds/gods/establishment/etc. So when it feels that something can’t be done, and we’re pushing a “rock” uphill we have to be reminded that it can be done even though it seems impossible one most always try. I don´t think it has been used to mobilize people directly with it but more likely through adaptations or re interpretations of it. This´s by excellence the story of the underdog, so everyone who´s faced adversity gets to re tell the myth to inspire himself, and others. Because of that it knows no borders or belongs to a specific communities anymore, it belongs to man kind. I have shared it with many friends.
Struggle, adversity, push, hill, push yourself, greek, myth, challenge