USCCR Testimony, January 1970
Testimony of Larman Williams, on moving to Ferguson, MO
Testimony of Adel Allen, on city services in Kirkwood and Meacham Park
Testimony of Adel Allen, on policing and schools
Discussion of urban renewal and relocation in St. Louis County
Testimony of Adel Allen and Larman Williams on schooling in North County
Testimony of Adel Allen and Mrs. Larman Williams on policing and schooling in St. Louis County
Adel Allen, Concluding Thoughts
The filmmaker Jane Gillooly discovered these audio files, and created the digital files from the Records of the Commission (RG 453) at the National Archives, during her research for the documentary Where the Pavement Ends (2018). I am indebted to her for that bit of detective work, and for generously sharing the files.