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The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology


Good Review and Background:

-To conceive a text or an utterance as ideology is to focus on the Waze operates in the formation and transformation of human subjectivity

-1) ideology is then seeing as the medium through which men make their history as conscious actors. 2) wrong concept is of opposition between Bourgois and proletarian ideology or science and ideology as such true and false consciousness

-poulantzas: classes must be defined at the political ideological as well as the economic level

-two althuser  fallacies: only scientific knowledge is true or real and that human beings are motivated as subjects only buy what they know by true or distorted knowledge

- falalcy of interst: interests by themselves do not explain anything it is a normative concept indicating the most rational course of action in a predefined game the problem is how members of different classes come to define the world and their situation and possibilities in it in a particular way.

  1. The ideological formation of human subjects


-subjection-qualification: New members become qualified to take up and perform the repertoire of rules given in society into which they are born.

The three fundamental modes of ideological interpellation:

1.what exists 2. What is good 3. What is possible.


The universe of ideological interpolations


Subjectivities of in the world


subjectivity of being












  1. inclusive existential ideologies like what life is what is good and bad in life what is possible and human existence and weather is a life after death.

  2. Inclusive historical ideologies a US citizen a Catholic Italian number of the working class a resident of a particular neighborhood

  3. Positional exit stencil ideologies the self and others and the two genders and the lifecycle of childhood youth and old age

  4. Positional historical ideologies educational status positions of political power structures of difference


2) The historical materialism of ideologies


-The question of material determination is central to the corpus of historical materialistic Theory and has to be confronted directly

The structure of ideological systems

-proposition one: all ideologies exist only in historical forms in historical degrees of salience and modes of articulation with other ideologies

Proposition two: all ideologies operate in a material matrix of affirmations and sanctions, and this matrix determines their interrelationships.

Proposition three: all ideologies in class societies exist in historical forms of articulation with different classes in class ideologies.

Proposition four: the patterning of a given set of ideologies is within class societies overdetermined by class relations of strength and by the class struggle.

The generation of ideologies and material change

-proposition one: the generation of ideologies in human societies is always from the point of view of social science and history agra fee process of change of pre-existing ideologies.

Proposition two: Ideological change in the generation of ideologies is always dependent upon nan ideological material change.

Proposition three: the most important material change is constituted by the internal social dynamics of societies and of their mode of production.

Proposition for: every mode of production requires specific economic positional ideologies and every exploitative mode of production specific class ideologies.

Proposition five: every new mode of production will generate new economic positional ideologies.

Proposition six: all human societies exhibit X extensional and historical inclusive as well as his Storico positional ideologies


Proposition seven: the concrete form of accidental historical inclusive and historical positional ideologies other than the economic or not directly determined by the mode of production but changes in the former or over determined by the latter.

Proposition eight: new mode of production and new classes will generate forms of accidental historical inclusive and other historical positional ideologies that are capable of supporting and reinforcing the new predominate class ideologies if the former do not already exist.


3) The ideological constitution of classes

Dash we cannot talk of class struggle, of the struggle of classes as an analytic concept for structuring the myriad of social conflicts without assuming an ideological constitution of classes by specific class ideologies.

– The actual ideological ensemble of the members of a given class is a complex totality of different elements that can be not be reduced to one another.

– The critical aspect of the altar ideology is in the case of exporting classes the rationale for the domination of other classes; in the case of exploded classes it is the basis for their resistance to the exporters.

– The altar as well as the ego ideologies develop with the mode of production itself in social processes of ideological interpellation and through a learning process governed by various forms of affirmations and sanctions.

– Socialist ideology is not implicit in  working class existence (Lenin). There is a strong selective affinity but not a dubious utilitarian notion of interest.

-while feudalism helped by Catholicism no theory of feudalism can explain the core of prevailing religious doctrine of the church.

-Nationalism became linked to the Bouge wall revolution by providing an ideology of struggle that counterposed to the dynastic and/or colonial power a state of legally free and equal citizens encompassing a certain territory.

– Inclusive historical ideologies are not simply invented as formulate of ruling class legitimization. Like the state itself, they express their Storico outcome of struggles within and of the state.

– Bo nationalism became linked to the Bouge wall revolution by providing an ideology of struggle that counterposed to the dynastic and/or colonial power a state of legally free and equal citizens encompassing a certain territory.

– Inclusive historical ideologies or not simply invented as formulate of ruling class legitimization. Like the state itself, express the Storico outcome of struggles within and of the state.

since nationalism played a crucial role in the Bouge why Z’s rise to power it is quite natural that nationalism as an inclusive ideology irreducible to class should be articulated within the rule of the bourgeoisie.

– starting from the ideology of a subordinate class one can either join the cause of the victors, embracing and subordinating oneself to the nationalist cause, or relate to the tradition of struggle, linking up with the national popular Tradition.

-Working class ideology in order to assert itself must confront and absorb occupational ideologies the particular work orientation and solidarity of particular occupations and crafts. Given a multi ethnic labor force ethnicity becomes a positional ideology competing with working class ideology.

– The ideological universe is irreducible to class ideologies, but the ideological ensemble of the class society is class patterned and ideological changes over determined by class struggle. The thesis concerning the class patterning of ideologies is not dependent on any notion of representation. Class ideologies like class politics do not represent anything other than themselves such as class interests.

– Class ideologies are not doctrines or elaborated forms of discourse. They are rather class specific core themes of discourse that very anonymously and concrete form and degree of elaboration.


4) The social order of ideologies


5) ideology and political power

Mode of  interpellation

alternative regime conceivable? yes


what is


sense of inevitability

what is good

sense of representation


what is possible





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