Choctaw Tribal Council Strategies for Civil Rights

Civil Rights Strategies of the Mississippi Choctaw Tribal Council, 1959-1963

This presentation is adapted from my book on the tribal rebirth of the Mississippi Choctaws. Unfortunately, footnotes do not transfer to this format. Please see Chapter Eight: Relocation, Resistance, and Civil Rights for references for the material in this presentation.

Research from the book has been published in journal articles that may be useful in teaching. These articles analyze key moments in the century-long campaign, showing how these Choctaws engaged the white supremacist politicians of Mississippi to pressure the Office of Indian Affairs (later the Bureau of Indian Affairs) to facilitate their resurgence as a tribal nation in Mississippi.

For the role of white supremacists in lobbying for the opening of the Choctaw Agency in the early 20th century see: "Mississippi Choctaws and Racial Politics." Southern Cultures (Winter 2008): 32-54. (The illustrations in this published article make it too large for this platform. This is the final text version that I sent to the journal.)

For Choctaw ideologies of race and identity during their push for the opening of the Choctaw Agency in the early 20th century see: “The ‘Identified Full Bloods’ in Mississippi: Race and Choctaw Identity, 1898-1918. Ethnohistory, vol. 56, no. 3 (Summer 2009): 423-447. 

For the creation of the Choctaw Tribal Council under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 see: “’In a Name of Justice and Fairness’: The Mississippi Choctaw Indian Federation v. the BIA, 1934.” Chapter Six of Beyond Red Power: Indian Activism in the Twentieth Century. Dan Cobb and Loretta Fowler, eds. (Santa Fe: The School for Advanced Research Press, 2007): 109-123.

Please feel free to contact me for any questions or comments on this site: 

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