Chinese Food in the U.S: a story about culture adaptation

Methods and Tools

To create the website, I used Scalar. The content list makes it easy to navigate. The layout of the tool works well for the story-telling purposes. I use text visualization tool “Tableau” and "Voyant" to visualize the menu data, TimelineJS to create a timeline starts from the 1850s, and StoryMap to include a small map of Lewisburg and point out where the Chinese restaurants are. 

Tableau and Voyant help me understand the data I collected. It is hard to see the trends directly from the menu data set. Tableau can be used for visualizing the data and transform them into a more straightforward format. It makes my research more easily to read and more visually appealing as well. I use Voyant to find out popular dishes over the years. The interactive feature of Tableau will engage the audience and give them a chance to explore the data sets.

TimelineJS helps me organize the historical events chronologically. It displays the political decisions made by the US government, as well as how they affect the Chinese food industry in America. I insert some images and videos to make it more interesting.

StoryMap is a tool I use to put the interviews together. I point out the locations of all the Chinese restaurants in Lewisburg to give a holistic view. There will be four local stories in the StoryMap, coming from Pandaly, FUJI, YungTing, and Sushihanna.

The tools make my project engaging and appealing. I hope these methods will generate more interest in studying culture adaptation.

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