Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker: Work/Travail/Arbeid: A Review Project by Laura Weigert


Choreography and concept by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

Performed by Rosas

Music by Ictus

Rosas Performers: Boštjan Antončič, Balázs Busa, Carlos Garbin, Marie Goudot, Cynthia Loemij, Sarah Ludi, Julien Monty, Michaël Pomero, Camille Prieux, Gabriel Schenker, Igor Shyshko, Denis Terrasse, Thomas Vantuycom, Samantha van Wissen

Performed at WIELS, Contemporary Art Center, Brussels (March 20–May 17, 2015); Center Pompidou, Paris (February 26–March 6, 2016); Tate Modern, London (July 8–10, 2016); and Museum of Modern Art, New York (March 29–April 2, 2017)

About the Author
Laura Weigert, associate professor in the department of art history at Rutgers University, specializes in Northern European art of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. She has been the recipient of fellowships from the American Philosophical Society, The Institute for Advanced Study, CASVA, and the N.E.H. Her scholarship addresses the interaction between diverse media in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries as a means to probe questions of representation, spectatorship, and meaning making during this period. She has published essays on manuscript illumination, prints, panel painting, textiles, theater, the ephemeral arts, and theories of performance. Her books include Weaving Sacred Stories: French Choir Tapestries and the Performance of Clerical Identity (Cornell, 2004) and French Visual Culture and the Making of Medieval Theater (Cambridge, 2015); her articles have appeared in Art History, The Oxford Art Journal, Gesta, Studies in Iconography, The Art Bulletin, Art Journal, EMF: Studies in Early Modern France, and in numerous collections of essays. She is currently investigating the fifteenth-century origins of modern media distinctions and the role that painting played in their definition.

Thanks to Juliet Bellow, Hans Galle, Betty Leigh Hutcheson, and Charles Reeve for their contributions at various stages of this review; to Alyssa Pavley for her design conception and technical work on the Scalar version; to family and friends who spent time with me in the exhibition; and to Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, for her conversation and inspirational work.

Header Image: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Work/Travail/Arbeid, performed by Rosas at Centre Pompidou, Paris, February 26–March 6, 2016 (choreography © Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker; photograph © Anne Van Aerschot)


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