“If caa.reviews were performance.reviews?”Main MenuIntroduction: “If caa.reviews were performance.reviews?”This jointly authored review of Boris Charmatz’s If Tate Modern Was Musée de la Danse? (2015) inaugurates a new initiative, spearheaded by the editorial board of caa.reviews, to review time-based media. The increasing prominence of dance, performance, video, film, and sound works in museum and gallery exhibitions gives caa.reviews an opportunity not simply to broaden the journal’s scope, but also to bring a range of diverse perspectives to bear on this growing phenomenon. By inviting scholars of dance to write this review, we hope to show how caa.reviews can become a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue on artworks and institutions of interest to members of distinct but related scholarly and creative communities. In the spirit of Charmatz, we ask, “what if caa.reviews were performance.reviews?”Unauthorized Performance in the Turbine HallMuseum Metaphysics: 20 Dancers for the XX Century and Dance’s Ontology in the MuseumAdrénaline: A Dance Floor for Everyone and expo zéroFloor MapCredits
Warm Up
12016-08-12T11:57:40-07:00Francisco Millan221fbc82d2a783571cc8cb0353a2d50ec882ba8e77583Audience performing in the public warm-up with Boris Charmatz in Turbine Hall (Level 0) at the Tate Modern, May 15 and 16, 2015 (screenshot by Juliet Bellow)plain2016-08-16T08:28:06-07:00Francisco Millan221fbc82d2a783571cc8cb0353a2d50ec882ba8e