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C2C Lantern (Fall 2014/ Winter 2015)

Colleague 2 Colleague, Author

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Colleague 2 Colleague

Colleague 2 Colleague is a non-profit organization located in the Midwest. 

From its charter: 


Colleague 2 Colleague (C2C) is designed to facilitate the exchange of information and expertise between faculty and staff who are involved or interested in instructional technology, online instruction, and distance education through professional development sessions, conferences, and networking. The organization’s primary focus is on staff development and collaboration between all educational institutions’ professionals in the Midwest.


C2C membership is open to all interested faculty, staff, and students from participating C2C institutions and partnering organizations. Participating institutions in C2C include schools, community colleges, technical colleges, and state and private universities in the Midwest with common interests and goals. All general meetings of the organization are open to the entire membership.

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