About Colleague 2 Colleague
Colleague to Colleague (C2C) originated as the staff development sub-group of the Heartland Alliance but subsequently has become a professional association of faculty, staff and administrators from a variety of Kansas and Missouri institutions. Our goal is to share technology expertise, resources, and training with a special emphasis on distance education and instructional technology in Kansas and Missouri.
We hope that this magazine will serve as a gateway for students and educators to information and resources related to distance education and instructional technology. Participating institutions in C2C include Kansas or Missouri technical and community colleges, state Regents universities, private institutions of higher education and K-12 schools with common interests and goals.
C2C cosponsors the Summer Institute on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (SIDLIT–pronounced "sidelight") in conjunction with Johnson County Community College (JCCC). The presentations related to this event are hosted on JCCC's ScholarSpace repository and on SlideShare.
C2C, a chartered professional organization, is designed to facilitate the exchange of information and expertise between faculty and staff involved or interested in instructional technology, online instruction, and distance education. The organization’s primary focus is on staff development and collaboration among the community colleges, technical colleges, and universities in the Kansas and Missouri bi-state region.
ScholarSpace is a repository for academic contents. The curators of this repository maintain works by SIDLIT presenters in an easily findable way. These works are also indexed with Google Scholar.
To participate with SIDLIT on Facebook, please connect via this site. Jonathan Bacon is the point-of-contact for the Facebook presence. His email is Jonathan.P.Bacon@gmail.com.
We hope that this magazine will serve as a gateway for students and educators to information and resources related to distance education and instructional technology. Participating institutions in C2C include Kansas or Missouri technical and community colleges, state Regents universities, private institutions of higher education and K-12 schools with common interests and goals.
C2C cosponsors the Summer Institute on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (SIDLIT–pronounced "sidelight") in conjunction with Johnson County Community College (JCCC). The presentations related to this event are hosted on JCCC's ScholarSpace repository and on SlideShare.
C2C, a chartered professional organization, is designed to facilitate the exchange of information and expertise between faculty and staff involved or interested in instructional technology, online instruction, and distance education. The organization’s primary focus is on staff development and collaboration among the community colleges, technical colleges, and universities in the Kansas and Missouri bi-state region.
ScholarSpace (at JCCC)
ScholarSpace is a repository for academic contents. The curators of this repository maintain works by SIDLIT presenters in an easily findable way. These works are also indexed with Google Scholar.
Facebook Presence
To participate with SIDLIT on Facebook, please connect via this site. Jonathan Bacon is the point-of-contact for the Facebook presence. His email is Jonathan.P.Bacon@gmail.com.
Twitter Presence
SIDLIT also has a presence on Twitter @SIDLIT. Please visit the microblogging page here. Tweet to @SIDLIT.
Steering Committee for 2016 - 2017
Anna Catterson, Emporia State University, Chair
Kendra Barker, University of Missouri: Kansas City, Vice Chair
Eddie Andreo, Cowley College
Jonathan Bacon, at large
JaeHwan Byun, Wichita State University
Jessica Cannon, University of Central Missouri
Carolyn Clark, Baker University
Marty Crossland, MidAmerica Nazarene University
Haylee Dass, Butler County Community College
Jonathan D’Souza, Park University
Kim Dhority, Flint Hills Technical College
Brian Dye, Butler Community College
Saul Epstein, Johnson County Community College
Judi Estes, Park University
Connie Farmer, Johnson County Community College
Nicole Frank, Fort Hays State University
Amanda Freeman, Kansas State University
Dawn Fry, SC Kansas
Angela Gassen
Rob Gibson, Emporia State University
Angela Glascock, Fairfield USD 310
Rebecca Gould, Kansas State University
Tom Grady, Kansas City Kansas Community College
Shalin Hai-Jew, Kansas State University
Julie Hartwell, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Dennis King, Fort Hays State University
Ed Lovitt, Johnson County Community College
Lauren Mathiott, University of Missouri - KC
Linda Merillat, Washburn University
Michelle Micheal, University of Central Missouri
Vincent Miller, Johnson County Community College
Nellie Modares, University of Kansas Medical Center
Bethanie O'Dell, Emporia State University
Paula Phelps, Cowley College
Beth Ramirez, Johnson County Community College
Leslie Reynard, Washburn University
Julie Ricke, eduKan
April Robbs, Ottawa University
Gregory Rose, Park University
Roberta Sheahan, Butler County Community College
Jennifer Shreckengost, Grantham University
Susan Stuart, Kansas City Kansas Community College
David Swisher, Tabor College
Alauna Thornton
Steve Werninger, University of Kansas
Tonya Witherspoon, Wichita State University
Brent Zweifel, Past Chair
Former Keynote Speakers at SIDLIT
Richard Byrne (2016)
Dr. Ali Jafari (2015)
Richard Culatta (2014)
Dyane Smokorowski (2013)
Dr. Larry Gould (2012)
Dr. Malcolm Brown (2011), and others
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