Проект о бурятском языке - Buryat Language Project
Список литературы - Works Cited
Balaryeva Tuyana Batuyevna. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/philology/bur_phil/balareva.htmlBatlayev, S., & Khantayev, A. (2018, June 28). Buryat Language School Founders [Personal interview].
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Montgomery, R. W. (2005). Late Tsarist and Early Soviet Nationality and Cultural Policy: The Buryats and Their Language. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.
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Pikhunova, A. (2018, June 14). Buryat Language School Student [Personal interview].
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Semenova Victoria Ilyinichina. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/philology/bur_phil/semenovavi.html
Semyonova, E. (2018, June 27). Interview with a Student from the Buryat Philology Department [Personal interview].
Sharakshinova Elena Konstantinova. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/philology/bur_phil/sharakshinova.html
Sharakshinova, E. K., & Tagarova, T. B. (2018, June 27). University Professors - Buryat Philology Department [Personal
Spasova, E. (2018, June 25). Buryat Language School Teacher [Personal interview].
Tagarova Tatiana Boroyevna. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/philology/bur_phil/tagarova.html
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nasaleniyem naibolii mnogochislinnih natsionalnostiy po subyektam Rossiyskoy Federatsii .Retrieved from
1) Ayan classroom [Personal photograph taken in Ayan School - Irkutsk]. (2018, June 25).2) Buriaad-Mongoliin ynen [An issue of "Buriaad-Mongoliin ynen" written in Latin script]. (2014, November 29). Retrieved June 20, 2018, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Buriaad-Mongoliin_ynen.jpg
3) Buryad-Mongolon unen 1925 [An issue of "Buryad-Mongolon unen" in Mongolian script]. (2012, September 29). Retrieved June 20, 2018, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Буряад-Монголон_унэн_1925.jpeg
4) Buryad unen [A 1968 issue of "Buryad unen"]. (2014, November 30). Retrieved June 20, 2018, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Буряад_үнэн.jpg
5) Buryat alphabet and pronunciation [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved June, 2018, from https://www.omniglot.com/writing/buryat.htm
6) [Digital Poster about Buryat Language Courses at Irkutsk State University]. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/lingo/bur.pdf
7) Dörrbecker, M., & Bayraktarlı, İ Y. (n.d.). Linguistic map of the Altaic, Turkic and Uralic languages [Map]. Retrieved June 20, 2018, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Linguistic_map_of_the_Altaic,_Turkic_and_Uralic_languages_(en).png.
8) Entrance of the Cultural Center [Personal photograph taken in Center of Culture for the Indigenous Peoples of Pribaikal]. (2018, June 25).
9) Kenyon, E. S. (2018, July). Buryats in the Irkutsk oblast' [Digital image]. Retrieved July, 2018, from http://scalar.usc.edu/works/buryat-language-in-irkutsk/media/Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at 4.46.33 PM.png
10) Khorinsky District on a map of the Republic of Buryatia [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved June, 2018, from http://www.bankgorodov.ru/area/horinskii-raion
11) Latin alphabet for Buryat [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved June, 2018, from https://www.omniglot.com/writing/buryat.htm
12) Mongolian calligraphy [Personal photograph taken in Irkutsk Oblast' Musical Theater N.M. Zagurskovo]. (2018, July 6).
This artwork entitled "Улэмжын шанар" was on display at the Altargana Festival. The artist is Anhbayar.
13) [Photograph of Elena Konstantinova Sharakshinova]. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/philology/bur_phil/sharakshinova.html
14) [Photograph of Tatiana Boroyevna Tagarova]. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/philology/bur_phil/tagarova.html
15) [Photograph of Tuyana Batuyevna Balaryeva]. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/philology/bur_phil/balareva.html
16) [Photograph of Victoria Ilyinichina Semenova]. (n.d.). Retrieved July, 2018, from http://slovo.isu.ru/ru/philology/bur_phil/semenovavi.html
17) Scan of the Buryat Language Handbook [Personal photograph]. (2018, June 25).
The cover of "Handbook on the Buryat Language"/"Metodicheskoe posobie po buryatskomu yazyku" written and published by the Ayan Buryat Language School
18) Stüber, K. (2004). Caragana pygmaea. Retrieved June 20, 2018, from http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/mavica/index.html (Originally photographed 2004)
19) Traditional Mongolian script for Buryat [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved June, 2018, from https://www.omniglot.com/writing/buryat.htm
20) Tsentr kultury korennykh narodov Pribaikal’ja [Digital image]. (2006, April 13). Retrieved June 30, 2018, from https://vk.com/news_etno
21) Batlayev, S., & Khantayev, A. (n.d.). [Ayan Buryat Language Courses]. Retrieved June 30, 2018, from https://vk.com/ayan_school