Appendix A: Boise Bench History Visual Content at a Glance
[1] Home: (Abstract and Intro) Frontier City to Regional Metropolitan 1870s-1960s
The Boise Bench History Project is a digital history that explores changes in the physical, spatial, and social arrangement of the historic Franklin and Whitney Bench neighborhoods over time.Image: Google Map with historic Franklin and Whitney centers overlaid
[2] Introduction and overview 1870-1900: End of the frontier and the first decade of statehood. Specifically discussing the appropriation of the physical environment, incentives for development.Timeline thumbnails:
1. Lafayette Cartee, USGS T3NR2E, 1872 (BLM)
2. W.B. Morris property (W.W. Elliott, Illustrated History, ISA 77-22.19)
3. Morris Hill Cemetery highlight on Boise Sanborn Map, 1903
4. Boise Depot, 1887 (C. Kingsly, ISA 76-138.14)
5. Boise Valley under cultivation (Idaho Power, Irrigating, IDS 7/23/1939)
a. USGS Survey 1872, Public Land Ordinance (1785): outlines the future streets and properties on the Bench, records the location of overland trails and often-traveled stage roads that existed there at that time.
Lafayette Cartee, USGS T3NR2E, 1872 (BLM)
Overland Stage (Idaho State Archives 1252-A)
Section 16 plat map, 1891 (Ada County Recorder)
T3NR2E Section 16 highlighted (BLM)
Aerial photograph of Boise, 1938 (Ada County AR 202, Idaho State Archives)
9th St Bridge (W.W. Elliott& Co.'s Illustrated History of the Idaho Territory, p.189)
b. Morristown, The Mills: Stagecoach entrepreneur buys 17,000 acres. Irrigation/Desert Land
1. T3NR2E highlighted Morris property (x2)
2. Northwestern Stage Co. ad (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman 11/17/1877 p.1)
3. “Morris Flouring Mills” (Idaho Daily Statesman July 23, 1939)
4. A View of the Canal from the Rim of the Bench, Mary Hallock Foote (Idaho State Archives)
5. W.B. & Lavinia Morris (Idaho State Archives 323)
6. Morris family, 1850 Pennsylvania Census (
7. Morris Civil War draft, Pennsylvania (
8. Mr. & Mrs. Morris, New Orleans, 1870 Census (
9. Alexander Rossi Bio (newspaper clippings file, Idaho State Archives)
10. A view of the canal from the rim, by M.H. Foote (Idaho State Archives)
11. Morris Farm/Canal (Idaho Tri-Weekly March 16,1878 p.3, Idaho Daily Statesman June 13,1909 p.5)
*Album Addendum: W.B. & Lavinia Morris Probate Records (Ada County AR 202, Idaho State Archives)
c. Morris Hill Cemetery, 1882: Municipal space on the bench (challenges, public opinion). Ridenbaugh Canal, land sales and settlers
1. The Ridenbaughs at home, The Mills pre-1890 (Idaho State Archives76-138.12)
2. Mill Pond above the Mills (Idaho State Archives71-185.26)
3. Sanborn Map (x3) of the Mills, 1893
4. “Morris’ Folly” (Idaho Daily Statesman 9/26/1937 p.2)
5. “Irrigation Pumps” ad (Idaho Daily Statesman June 21,1889 p.4)
6. Morris Hill Cemetery highlighted (Index, Boise Sanborn Map, 1903)
7. Morris Hill Cemetery (Idaho Daily Statesman June 5,1883 p.3)
8. Subdivision Plat Maps (Ada County Recorder)
9. “Scott Schoolhouse” later, Franklin School (ISA #, USGS highlight)
10. W.A. "Doc" Rankin (The History of Idaho, by Hiram T. French, p. 730)
11. News: "South Boise Canal a Magnificent Property" (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman October 21, 1878 p.2)
*Photo Album Addendum: Bench Settlers (Eby, Eagleson, Curtis, Rankin)
d. Conclusion for era: Boise Depot (railroad towns). Power Cos & Street railroad.1. Boise Sanborn Map highlight of South Boise Subdivision (1903)
2. South Boise Subdivision plat map (Ada County Recorder)
3. Boise Depot, 1887 (x2) by C. Kingsley (Idaho State Archives 76-138.24, 1002)
4. First Idaho Central RR car, 1887 (Idaho State Archives 72-139.20)
5. William & Mary Ridenbaugh (The Advertiser, ISHS p.16)
6. Kuna Station, drawing by M.H. Foote (Idaho State Archives#)
7. Ridenbaugh Residence (Idaho State Archives 75-2.44)
8. Ridenbaugh Lumber Mill (Boise Polk Directory)
9. The Irrigation Ditch by MH Foote (Idaho State Archives 76-2.67)
10. Hillcrest Trolley Loop (Idaho State Archives 73-163.29)
11. Ridenbaugh Mansion, built 1890 (Idaho State Archives 70-169.7)
12. Boise Sanborn Maps, 1893 (Mill site, Depot, Sheet 10)
13. Fairview and Orchard Trolley stop (Idaho State Archives 78-39.3)
14. F.A. Nourse Storefront, Boise (Hugh H. Hartman photo)
15. Ash Street Trolley Stop (Kootenai & Roosevelt, Hugh H. Hartman photo)
16. View of the Boise Bench @ Baxter Foundry (Idaho State Archives 76-180.1)
Appendix B: Content Narrative Document
Appendix C: Albums of High Resolution Media
Viewers can explore contributing BBHP materials in this collection of media assembled on Flickr
Boise Bench History Project Media Albums for 1870-1900
Arrington, Leonard J.. History of Idaho. Moscow: University of Idaho Press, 1994.
Argersinger, Jo Ann E. “Contested Visions of American Democracy: Citizenship, Public
Housing, and the International Arena” Journal of Urban History 36, 6 (2010): pp. 792-813.
Bird, Annie Laurie. Boise: The Peace Valley .Caldwell: Caxton Printers, 1934.
Calthorpe, Peter, and William Fulton. The Regional City: Planning for the End of Sprawl. Washington: Island Press, 2001.
Caughey, John W. “The American West: Frontier and Region.” Arizona and the West
Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring, 1959): pp. 7-12.
Cohen, Daniel J., et al. “Interchange: The Promise of Digital History.” The Journal of American History vol. 95 no. 2 (Sept., 2008): pp. 452-491.
Crang, Mike, “The Promises and Perils of a Digital Geohumanities.” Cultural Geographies vol. 22 no. 2 (April, 2015): pp. 211-215.
Davis, Belinda. “Survey: Irrigation in the Boise Valley.” Ada County Historic Preservation Commission. Boise: Idaho State Historical Preservation Office, 2002.
Defenbach, Byron. Idaho: the Place and It’s People: A history of the gem state from prehistoric to present days. Chicago: The American Historical Society, 1933.
DeHamer, Nancy, Austin, Judith. “Those Were the Days.” Idaho Yesterdays, vol. 25 no. 2 (Summer 1981): p. 16-17.
Donaldson, Thomas. Idaho of Yesterday. Wesport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1941.
Doyle, P.H.. “Irrigated Boise Valley.” Illustrated Idaho: A Magazine of Facts About Idaho, vol. II no. 11-12 (November-December, 1912): pp. 1, 12.
Duran, James David. Central Bench History. Boise: Department of Arts & History, 2016.
Foote, Mary Hallock. A Victorian Gentlewoman in the Far West: The Reminiscences of Mary Hallock Foote. Ed. Rod Wilson Paul. San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 1972.
Foote, Mary Hallock. The Idaho Stories and Far West Illustrations of Mary Hallock Foote. Eds. Barbara Cragg, Dennis M Walsh, Mary Ellen Walsh. Pocatello: Idaho State University Press, 1988.
French, Hiram T. History of Idaho: A Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People, and Its Principal Interests (Illustrated) vol. I. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1914.
Gregory, Art. KIDO: Boise’s First Radio Station. Arcadia Publishing, 2012.
Hailey, John. The History of Idaho. Press of Syms-York Company, Inc., 1913.
Harris, Richard. “Birth of the Housing Consumer in the U.S., 1918-1960.” International Journal of Consumer Studies vol 33 no 5 (September 2009): pp. 525-532.
Harman, Hugh H. Founding Fathers of Boise: 1863-1875. Boise, 1989.
Hawley, James Henry. History of Idaho: The Gem of the Mountains (Illustrated) vol. III. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1920.
Hayden, Dolores. Building Suburbia: Green Fields and Urban Growth 1820-2000. New York: Pantheon Books, 2003.
Hummel, Charles, and Woodward, Tim. Quintessential Boise: An Architectural Journey. Boise: Boise State Publications Office, 2013.
Irving, Washington. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville. Portland: Binfords & Mort, 1954.
Jacobs, Wilbur R.. On Turner’s Trail: 100 Years of Writing Western History. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1994.
Jackson, Kenneth T. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States. Oxford University Press, 1985.
L.E.S.. “The American West.” Bulletin. St. Louis Art Museum New Series, Vol. 8, No. 4 (November/December 1972): pp. 58-60.
Limerick, Patricia Nelson. Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006.
Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space trans. by Donald Nicholson-Smith. Oxford: Blackwell, 2009.
Lukas, Anthony J.. Big Trouble. New York City: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
Lyman, Gary L.. “The City of the Future: A Survey of Greater Boise’s Preferences for the Future.” Boise Future Foundation, Inc. no. 10 (April, 1991).
MacGregor, Carol Lynn. Boise, Idaho, 18182-1910: Prosperity in Isolation. Missoula,
Montana: Mountain Press Publishers, 2006.
Madsen, Brigham D. The Bannock of Idaho. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1958.
May, Dean L. Three Frontiers: Family, Land, and Society in the American West, 1850-1900. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Mead, Ryan. “Surveys, Illustrations, and Paintings: Framing Manifest Destiny in the Early American Republic.” Review Fernand Braudel Center Vol. 35, No. 1 (2012): pp. 31-60.
Moffatt, M.. “The Post War Economy: 1945-1960.” Economics US Department of State. 2008.
Nash, Gerald D. The Federal Landscape: An Economic History of the Twentieth-century West. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1999.
Neil, J. Meredith. City Limits: The Emergence of Metropolitan Boise 1945-2001. 2011.
Ostrander, Gilman M.. “Turner and the Germ Theory.” Agricultural History vol. 32 no. 4 (October, 1958): pp. 258-261.
O’Connell, Nicholas. On Sacred Ground: The Spirit of Place in Pacific Northwest Literature. University of Washington Press, 2003.
Paul, Rodman W.. The Far West and the Great Plains in Transition 1859-1900. NY: Harper & Row, 1912.
R.L. Polk. Boise City Directories. Detroit, MI: R.L. Polk & Co., 1891-1995.
Pollard, Herb. “William H. Ridenbaugh: Pioneer Wildlife Entrepreneur.” Idaho Wildlife Review (May-June, 1975): pp. 8-10.
Rikoon, J. Sanford and Judith Austin, eds., Interpreting Local Culture and History. Idaho State Historical Society and University of Idaho Press, 1991.
Spear, Allan H.. “Marcus Lee Hansen and the Historiography of Immigration.” The Wisconsin Magazine of History vol. 44 no. 4 (Summer, 1961): pp.258-268.
Stacy, Susan M. Legacy of Light: A History of Idaho Power Company. Boise: Idaho Power Company, 1991.
Svensson, Patrik, et al. Big Digital Humanities: Imagining a Meeting Place for the Humanities and the Digital. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016.
Taylor, John E. “The New Deal Goes to War: The Role of the Alphabet Agencies in World War II Mobilization” Essays in Economic and Business History (2004): pp. 242-255
Tremayne, Russell M.. A History of Hillcrest Country Club 1940-2000. Joslyn & Morris, Inc., 2000.
Todd, Edgley W., ed. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1961.
Wahl, Richard W.. Markets for Federal Water: Subsidies Property Rights, and the Bureau of Reclamation. New York: Resources for the Future, 1989.
Wells, Merle, and Hart, Arthur. Boise: An Illustrated History. Idaho State Historical Society, 2000.
Wilson, Barbara Brown. “Before the ‘Triple Bottom Line’: New Deal Defense Housing as Proto-sustainability” Journal of Planning History p. online May 25, 2014. (
Wilson, Chris and Paul Groth, eds. Everyday America: Cultural Landscape Studies After J.B. Jackson. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2003.
W.W. Elliott & Co.. History of Idaho Territory showing its resources and advantages : with illustrations descriptive of its scenery, residences, farms, mines, mills, and hotels, business houses, schools, churches, &c. : from original drawings. Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press, 1884.
Idaho State Historical Society Reference Series
“Idaho Central Railroad” no. 216 (nd): pp. 1-2.
“Ridenbaugh-Rossi Mill Ditch” no. 515 (1975): pp. 1-3.
“Henry P. Isaacs and Josh C. Isaacs: March 1822-July 14, 1900 and ca. 1830-?” no. 579 (1981).
“William B. Morris” no. 586 (1981).
Academic/Thesis and Dissertation
Carlton, Neil H. (1969) A History of the Development of the Boise Irrigation Project. A thesis Brigham Young University.
Smutny, Gayla. (1997) “Rural Identity and Attitudes Toward Growth Management in the Rocky Mountains: An An Exploration of State, County, and Municipal Officials in Idaho” Dissertation University of California Irvine.
Municipal Research Studies
Planning Report for Boise, US Highway 20-26-30. Boise Metropolitan Transportation Committee no. 1 (September, 1959).
“Major Thoroughfares Plan Part I: Boise Metropolitan Area—Ada County Planning Study District Number One Ada County Idaho” Ada County Zoning Commission. Boise Idaho, 1961.
Growing Closer: Density and Sprawl in the Boise Valley. Investigate Boise. Boise State University, 2011.
Idaho’s Highway History 1863-1975. Boise: Idaho Transportation Dept., 1985.
Idaho Statesman (Boise, Idaho)
“Dowdell Apprehended.” Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman, December 7, 1875 p.3
“Morris Canal.” Idaho Tri-Weekly, January 5, 1878 p. 3
“Nearing Completion.” Idaho Daily Statesman, March 16, 1878 p. 3
“The South Boise Canal and Land—A Magnificent Property.” Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman, October 12, 1878 p. 2.
“An accession to Idaho.” Idaho Daily Statesman, March 8, 1879 p. 2.
“That Desert.” Idaho Daily Statesman, June 26, 1879 p. 3.
“Rossi’s Mill.” Idaho Tri-Weekly, May 19, 1883 p. 3.
“Morris Hill Cemetery.” Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman, June 5, 1883 p. 3.
“Oridinance No. 60.” Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman, June 12, 1883 p. 3.
“Morris Hill Cemetery.” Idaho Statesman, Dec. 5, 1889 p. 3.
“New Council Installed.” Idaho Statesman, July 16, 1893 p.5.
“Morris Hill Cemetery.” Idaho Statesman September 7, 1895 p. 2.
“Morris Hill Cemetery.” Idaho Statesman September 18, 1895 p. 2.
“War with a Railroad: M.F. Eby Engaged in a Contest with the Union Pacific.” Idaho Daily Statesman, May 28, 1893 p. 8.
“Worthless Bits of Paper.” Idaho Daily Statesman, March 23, 1899 p. 6.
“News of Courts: Forman Wins His Suit Against Scott and Others.” Idaho Daily Statesman, September 23, 1899 p. 4.
“Boise Traction Co. Making Big Plans.” Idaho Daily Statesman, December 31, 1905 p. 21.
“Fruit Growers’ Meeting: Horticulture Association Holds Interesting and Instructive Session.” Idaho Daily Statesman, December 29, 1906 p. 2.
“Great Damage to Fruit Crops: Frost of Yesterday Morning Greatly Lowered Prospects of Orchardists.” Idaho Daily Statesman, April 30, 1907 p. 7.
“Work Resumed on the Loop: Boise Valley Railway to Complete Line Making Circuit by Way of South Boise.” Idaho Daily Statesman, June 28, 1907 p. 4.
“Would Debar All Uninterested Teachers.” Idaho Daily Statesman, February 23, 1909 p. 3.
“New Franchise for Boise Valley: Noble Interurban Gets Permission from County Commissioners to Make Changes.” Idaho Daily Statesman, May 8, 1910 p. 7.
“People Anxious to Help in Movement: Rousing Good Roads Meeting Held at Franklin School House.” Idaho Daily Statesman, September 27, 1910 p. 8.
“Ask for Concrete Road Extension to Meridian: Business Men Want County Commissioners to Take Action at Once.” Idaho Daily Statesman, September 11, 1912 p. 10.
“Nineteen Franklin Graduates.” Idaho Daily Statesman, May 15, 1914 p. 3.
“News from Towns on the Interurban Loop: Franklin.” Idaho Daily Statesman, January 25, 1917-March 3, 1918 p. 6.
“W. Ridenbaugh, Pioneer, is Dead.” Idaho Daily Statesman, August 18, 1922 p. 1.
"Morris' 'Folly' Proves Boon to Boise Valley." Idaho Daily Statesman, September 26, 1937 p.2.
“Boise Airport Brings Vision of Big Things: Work Speeds.” Idaho Daily Statesman, April 9, 1939.
“Good Old Street Car Era Gave Young Blades Lots of Real Fun.” Idaho Daily Statesman, July 23, 1939 p. 7.
“Boise in the Seventies was a Delightful, Gay City.” Idaho Daily Statesman, July 23, 1939 p. 10.
“Ridenbaugh Lumber Co. in Existence 75 Years.” Idaho Daily Statesman, July 23, 1939 np.
“Big Flying Field Links Boise to Rest of Nation.” Idaho Daily Statesman, October 19, 1939 np.
“Mayor Expects Boise Census to Show Population Doubled.” Idaho Daily Statesman, October 19, 1939 np.
“Boise Firm to Build Base Homes: Whitney Bench Project Awarded; To Cost $325,300.” Idaho Daily Statesman, January 18, 1941 p. 1, 2.
“Boise’s Army Air Base and Housing Project Buildings Rise with Speed.” Idaho Daily Statesman, March 2, 1941 p. 10.
“Housing Job Far Ahead of Schedule: Project on Bench 37 Per Cent Done at Close of Week.” Idaho Daily Statesman, March 23, 1941 p. 10.
“Have you Seen Boise’s Sergeant City?: Army Housing Project Already Has Sixty-Two Families.” Idaho Daily Statesman, June 6, 1941 np.
“Whole New Subdivisions Fill with Houses as Building Boom Expands: Boise Bench Home Sites Sell Rapidly.” Idaho Sunday Statesman, June 8, 1941 p. 1.
“Air Base to be Named in Honor of One of Three Idaho Fliers.” Idaho Sunday Statesman, June 2, 1941 p. 1.
“Ridenbaugh Home, Now Gone, was one of Boise’s Mansions.” Idaho Sunday Statesman, September 28, 1941 np.
“Unusually Large Classes Noted in Record School Enrollment.” Idaho Evening Statesman, October 14, 1953 np.
“New School Need Seen on Bench; Enrollment Up.” Idaho Evening Statesman, September 15, 1953 np.
“Change Listed in Boundaries for Schools.” Idaho Daily Statesman, August 17, 1954 np.
“Day Reality Moves to New Vista Plaza Site.” Idaho Daily Statesman, June 11, 1959 np.
“Memories of Boise’s Bench.” Idaho Statesman, August 10, 1963 p. 10.
“Franklin’s Family: ‘Country’ School Chums to Reunite.” Idaho Statesman, July 16, 1999 p. 1A, 5A.
Dale Stewart. “Once Operated by Three Brothers, Day Reality Now Run by Three Sons.” Idaho Statesman, June 30, 1963 np.
Betty Penson. “Mary Ridenbaugh: Writings from Her Past.” Idaho Statesman, February 26, 1978 p. 4c.
Carolyn Beaver. “The Bench: Urban Life Along the Oregon Trail.” Idaho Statesman, September 6, 1978 np.
Arthur Hart. “Rodenbaugh's Helped Make Idaho Boom,” Idaho Statesman, 1984.
The Bench Mirror (Boise, Idaho)
Faith Turner. “Area of 7,325 homes was wilderness, Scene of Pioneer West Decades Ago.” Bench Mirror, August 1, 1957 p. 1D-2D.
Faith Turner. “Curtis Family Said Among First on the Bench.” Bench Mirror, August 1 p. 12.
Faith Turner. “Pioneer to Boise, Vista Village Dream Come True.” Bench Mirror, August 1, 1957 p. 7b.
“Vista Village said Fastest Growing Area South of the River.” Bench Mirror, August 1, 1957 p. 1b.
Faith Turner.“Early Families Exchange Memories at Picnic.” Bench Mirror, August 8, 1957 p. 12.
Faith Turner. “Local Author Reports on Early Bench People.” Bench Mirror, August 22, 1957 p. 13.
Faith Turner. “Railroad First Missed Boise, then ‘Stub’ Line Made Link.” Bench Mirror. September 12, 1957 p. 2.
Other Titles
“Ridenbaugh Mills Being Torn Down; Oldest Landmark.” Evening Capital News (Boise, Id), May 6, 1923 p. 9.
“Bench Resident Asa Tillotson Watched 62 Years of Boise’s Growth” Statewide, November 23, 1950.
Faith Turner. “South Boise Grows Throughout Years.” Idaho Statewide, December 11, 1952 p. 8.
Faith Turner. “South Boise Community Grows Throughout Years.” Idaho Pioneer Statewide, March 5, 1953 p. 8.
Public Records
Ada County Probate, Land Deeds, AR 202, Idaho State Archives, Boise, Idaho.
Land Titles/Deeds (General Land Office, Bureau of Land Management)
Archival Collections
Capital Electric Light, Motor & Gas Co. vs. Barber Lumber Co., Boise Payette River Electric Power Co. Boise Reclamation Project Collection, MS 408 Box 3 Folder 38, Idaho State Archives, Boise, Idaho.
Bureau of Public Roads, MS 281, Idaho State Archives, Boise, Idaho. Digital database:
Earnest G. Eagleson Collection, MS 10, Idaho State Archives, Boise, Idaho.
William H. Ridenbaugh Collection, MS 167, Idaho State Archives, Boise, Idaho.
Everett L. “Shorty” Fuller Collection, MS 511, Idaho State Archives, Boise, Idaho. (Finding Aid,
Oral Histories and Personal Interviews
Joanna Buster, personal interview by Angie Davis, June 25, 2014, recording, Boise Department of Arts & History (50:57).
Bob Curtis and Kristin Curtis Fox, personal interview, December 12, 2013, recording, Boise Department of Arts & History (1:48:45).
Ben Day and Andrew Jacobs, personal interview by Angie Davis, October 28, 2013, recording, Boise Department of Arts & History (1:04:10).
Dick and Shirley Graybeal, personal interview by Angie Davis, November 29, 2013,ecording, Boise Department of Arts & History (1:58:46).
Rick and June Harvey, personal interview by Angie Davis, October 26, 2013, recording, Boise Department of Arts & History (1:09:16).
Donna Day Jacobs, personal interview by Angie Davis, November 13, 2013, recording, Boise Department of Arts & History (48:43).
Russel A. Relyea, phone interview by Angie Davis, October 19, 2013, recording, Boise Department of Arts & History (46:15).
Sadame Tanabe, personal interview by Angie Davis, January 13, 2014, recording, Boise Department of Arts & History (30:04).
Return to Timeline 1870-1900
Points of Interest: Township 2 North Range 3 West | Morristown | Morris Hill Cemetery | Boise Depot | Appendices