Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England

"The True Form and Shape of Caliban: Monstrosity and Wonder in 'The Tempest'"

See, for example, the 1609 pamphlet, A True Relation of the birth of three Monsters in the City of Namen in Flanders, where two of the three monstrous births are fashion monsters with deformities resembling women’s elaborate headdresses, and ruffs around the collar and cuffs. (Fig. 11) See also a ballad from 1663-74, “Prides fall: Or, A warning for all English Women,” depicting a conjoined twin fashion monster (Fig. 12), and another ballad from 1691, “A Fair Warning for Pride,” about a foal born with a multi-colored topknot intended as a rebuke to women who use too many ribbons to ornament their hair (Fig. 13).

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