Ballads and Performance: The Multimodal Stage in Early Modern England

"Ballads+: Staging the Jig in 'Romeo and Juliet'"

For more on the relation between broadside ballads and dramatic jigs, see Roger Clegg, “‘A ballad intituled a pleasant newe Jigge’: The relationship between the broadside ballad and the dramatic jig,” in the special issue, “Living English Broadside Ballads, 1550-1750: Song, Art, Dance, Culture,” ed. Patricia Fumerton, Huntington Library Quarterly 79, no. 2 (2016): 301-22. It should be noted that Clegg and Skeaping, in Singing Simpkin, use the term “dramatic jig” only to refer to stage jigs with performance instructions for entrances, exits, speakers, etc.

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