Anatomy of a Literature Review

Learning-by-consumption model

Next, Castiglione and Infante discuss the explanatory value of the learning-by-consumption model.

While they acknowledge that learning-by-consumption appears better able than habit formation to account for possible change over time, the authors caution that the model privileges past to future consumption in the process of taste formation.

Note how our authors cite the works with which this model is most closely associated: Levy-Garboua and Montmarquette (1996, 2002).

Scholars have applied the learning-by-consumption model to explain a range of behavior, but we can trace the theory to the co-creators and pair of scholarly works referenced above.

When composing a literature review, it is critical that you trace theories to their creation (rather than one of the many derivative works that merely applies them).

When harvesting existing literature reviews for research leads, attend closely to these seminal works as they can save you significant research time and energy.

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