Anatomy of a Literature Review

Empirical contribution

Castiglione and Infante observe that prior studies of this phenomenon employed models that neglected the "multiplicative relationship between consumption and time."

By reading their data through the rational addiction model, which they argue more effectively accounts for this relationship, Castiglione and Infante suggest that their study promises to advance our understanding of Italian theater attendance.

Because it introduces a new means of interpreting data and suggests new conclusions, this represents an empirical contribution to the scholarly conversation regarding Italian theater attendance.

No matter how interesting and important this contribution, it is unlikely to draw much attention. Castiglione and Infante's subject is niche; few scholars are concerned with Italian theater attendance.

Surely aware of this, they attempt to frame their study in broader terms: "demand for cultural goods." They also suggest this study makes a second, more broadly relevant, theoretical contribution...

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