Anatomy of a Kiss: Cinema Paradiso and The Montage of Attractions

Leaving Giancaldo

"Life isn't Like the Movies, It's More Difficult"

In this scene we follow-up on Salvatore after his stint in the army. He takes Alfredo to the seaside, and they walk and talk. Salvatore tells him some Army stories. Salvatore explains he hasn't seen Elena since he enlisted. Alfredo goes on: "Life isn't like it is in the movies. Life is much harder." Then he commands Salvatore: "Get out of here. Go back to Rome. You're young. The world is yours. And I'm old. I don't want to hear you talk anymore. I want to hear others talk about you." This scene is reminiscent of an autobiographical moment in Giuseppe Tornatore's own life. The fictional Giancaldo is in fact based off of Tornatore's hometown of Bagheria.

In an ultimate twist of life imitating art, in 2013 the then 57 year old Tornatore (now a famous filmmaker in his own right) returned to his hometown for his first extended visit since the completion of Cinema Paradiso in 1988 to attend the funeral of Mimmo Pintacuda, Bagheria's movie projectionist who introduced the young Tornatore to craft of filmmaking as a young boy. This gives the scene that follows Salvatore and Alfredo's talk by the sea an additional resonance, which will ultimately help build to understanding what the significance of the film's final montage is perceived to convey.

In the following scene Salvatore follows Alfredo's advice and makes plans to leave for Rome. A great example of intellectual editing: several images of Salvatore's hands embracing his mother and his sister. Then he leans down to Alfredo to say goodbye. Alfredo grabs him and whispers: "Don't come back. Don't think about us. Don't look back. Don't write. Don't give in to nostalgia. Forget about us." Then: "If you do come back, don't come back to see me. I won't let you in my house. Understand?" The old man strokes the young man's cheek. Salvatore says, "Thank you, for everything you've done for me." They embrace. "Whatever you end up doing, love it. The way you loved the projection booth, when you wee a little squirt." Then Alfredo shoves him away. A tracking shot from the train shows Salvatore's point of view. Then we see his reaction shot as the train pulls away from town.

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