Allied Occupation of Japan 1945-1952: Perceptions from Heaven and Earth

What and Why

The Allied Occupation Japan is an interesting topic as the we combine two topics, the history of an occupied people and the post WWII history. While the occupation may have been called an "Allied" occupation it was more of an American Occupation of Japan. This is what holds this occupation in an interesting esteem as the two countries have a long history which began nearly 100-years prior when Commodore Matthew Perry landed on the shores of Japan. The Occupation began with a similar sight of US ships and Matthew Perry's flag flying aboard the USS Missouri. This history with Japan has since helped develop the relations between America and Japan. [1]

For this particular project rather than look at the occupation through a lens of policy making, this project looks at the occupation through a theme of reforms. However, most importantly it looks at are the perceptions of the Japanese people. In particular comparing the views of the citizens and the diplomats of Japan and what they focused on during the occupation. 

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