Norris - Works Cited
Barba, Eugenio, Nicola Savarese, and Denmark Holstebro. “Balance”. The Secret Art of the Performer: A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology. English-language ed. London: Published for the Centre for Performance Research by Routledge, 1991. 34-53. Print.
Barbellion, W.N.P. “The Journal of a Disappointed Man” and “Enjoying Life”. The Complete Works of W.N.P. Barbellion. Ray Davis. Web. 28 November 2015.
Beckett, Samuel. The Unnamable. New York: Grove, 1958. Print.
Burke, Edmund. On the Sublime and the Beautiful. New York: Alden, 1885. Print.
Butler, Judith. “A Politics of the Street”. UBC Wall Exchange. YouTube. 2012. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.
Gaulier, Philippe. “The Birth of Clown”. Le Gégèneur: Jue Lumière Théâtre = The Tormentor : "Le Jeu" Light Theatre. Paris: Éditions Filmiko, 2007. 275-312. Print.
Kluge, Alexander, and Oskar Negt. “Introduction” and “An Atlas of Concepts”. History & Obstinacy. Ed. Devin Fore. Trans. Richard Langston. Brooklyn: Zone Books, 2014. 15-67, 389-441. Print.
Lecoq, Jacques. Theatre of Movement and Gesture. Ed. David Bradby. London: Routledge, 2006. Print.
Schechter, Joel, ed. Popular Theatre: A Sourcebook. London: Routledge, 2003. Print.
“I Will Survive”. You Tube. 2006. 28 Nov. 2015.
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