ADHD Experience and Diagnosis: A Societal Perspective


This powerpoint was my attempt to engage with my school community and was prepared for a presentation to the Director of Special Services at the Lake Washington School District. Since my audience comprises of people who are highly qualified to work in special education and administrative policy, I hoped to give them perspectives that they likely did not have ready access to: anecdotes from narratives and accounts by members of the mental health community outside the school district, historical perspectives by adults who were diagnosed late as well as their perspectives on teachers and teaching. Due to time constraints, I did not get to critically examine teachers' experiences (within the district) or parent-teacher relationships, who, as Claudia Malacrida says, "may have shared goals but differeing perspectives, strategies, and access to power or the penetration of schools as disciplinary institutions to the 'private' realm of the family" (250). 
Going forward, I hope to continue doing research to generate theory but for "supporting, organizing, and policy change" in special edcuation (Fine, 2).

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