Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archive

Photos and Nietzsche

In Friedrich Nietzche’s Untimely Meditations, On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life, published originally in 1876, he focuses on the difference in effect of both forgetting and remembering the past. He describes forgetting the past as being "unhistorical," where the events of the past do not effect your current life. A creature that is unhistorical lives strictly in the present. Niezche used the life of a cattle as a good example of an unhistorical life; it will be consistently satisfied and happy with grazing on grass and being alive. And, as humans, we tend naturally to be envious of this satisfaction with life. Humans, as any creature whose life is effected by the past, are "historical."  We frequently ruminate on the events of the past. But Nietzche argues that this shall not be abrasive to us so long as we maximize our potential power--ones ability to assimilate the past and use it to “heal wounds, replace what has been lost, to recreate broken moulds.” (p. 62) In regards to this photo, it is important,


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