AAEEBL Digital Ethics Principles: version 1

Principle 4, Resources


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Version 5

titledcterms:titlePrinciple 4, Resources
descriptiondcterms:descriptionePortfolio creators should understand and respect author rights, best practices for re-use, and representation.
    1. Association of College and Research Libraries. (2015). Framework for information literacy for higher education. Association of College and Research Libraries. 
    2. Association of Research Libraries, Center for Social Media at American University School of Communication, & Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property at American University Washington College of Law. (2012). Code of best practices in fair use for academic and research libraries. Association of Research Libraries. 
    3. Benson, S. R. (Ed.). (2019). Copyright conversations: Rights literacy in a digital world. ALA Editions.
    4. Brewer, M., & ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. (2008). Fair use evaluator. 
    5. Center for Media and Social Impact. (2020). Fair use, free speech & intellectual property. 
    6. Creative Commons. (n.d.a). About the licenses. 
    7. Creative Commons. (n.d.b). Share your work.  
    8. Crews, K. D., & Buttler, D. K. (2008). Fair use checklist. Columbia University Libraries. 
    9. Hobbs, R. (2010). Copyright clarity: How fair use supports digital learning. Corwin Press. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781452219530
    10. James Cook University. (n.d.). EPortfolios & copyright
    11. Keener, M. (2015). Contextualizing copyright: Fostering students’ understanding of their rights and responsibilities as content creators. Virginia Libraries, 61(1). https://doi.org/10.21061/valib.v61i1.1328
    12. National Council of Teachers of English. (2018, October 25). Code of best practices in fair use for media literacy education. 
    13. Poole, P., Brown, M., McNamara, G., O’Hara, J., O’Brien, S., & Burns, D. (2018). Challenges and supports towards the integration of ePortfolios in education. Lessons to be learned from Ireland. Heliyon, 4(11). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00899
    14. Rife, M. C., Slattery, S., & DeVoss, D. N. (Eds.). (2011). Copy(write): Intellectual property in the writing classroom. WAC Clearinghouse. 
    15. Stanford University Libraries. (n.d.). Copyright and fair use
    16. The University of Queensland. (n.d.). Digital essentials. Library. 
    17. The University of Queensland. (2019). ePortfolio for students: Develop a showcase portfolio. The University of Queensland. 
    18. Thiede, M. (2018). The basics of copyright and fair use
    19. Thiede, M., & Zerkee, J. (2019). An active learning approach to teaching copyright essentials. In S. R. Benson (Ed.), Copyright conversations: Rights literacy in a digital world (pp. 141–158). ALA Editions.
    20. World Intellectual Property Organization. (2004). WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook. WIPO. 
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