A Field Guide to Oil in Santa BarbaraMain MenuA Field Guide to Oil in Santa BarbaraA project by the graduate students of the Mellon Sawyer Seminar at UCSB, Fall 2018The 2018-2019 Mellon Sawyer Seminar at UCSB825abd0261ed10262ffe105a408c697a541ff4bf
Oil Warning Signs, Summerland
12019-01-08T16:21:41-08:00The 2018-2019 Mellon Sawyer Seminar at UCSB825abd0261ed10262ffe105a408c697a541ff4bf326174Oil warning signs along the beach access pathway, Lookout Park, Summerland, California, 2018. Photograph by the Summerland team. A monument in Summerland, California, tells part of the story of the region's history of oil extraction in the following words engraved on a plaque: "To the west within sight of this monument, the first offshore oil production on the Western hemisphere was developed. The Summerland oilfield initially produced from onshore wells, but beginning in 1896, production was extended offshore. By 1899, twenty-two oil companies were operating wells on a total of twelve wharves." The plaque was sponsored by a group known as the Petroleum Production Pioneers, which was composed of retired oil industry workers. Photograph by Sage Gerson. Reproduced with permission of the photographers.plain2022-01-07T10:48:59-08:00The 2018-2019 Mellon Sawyer Seminar at UCSB825abd0261ed10262ffe105a408c697a541ff4bf