A Field Guide to Oil in Santa Barbara

Exploring the Field Guide

The Field Guide to Oil in Santa Barbara contains all the items collected and created by graduate students in the Mellon Sawyer Seminar over the course of their site-based research. Due to the number and variety of items, which include images, archival documents, audio files, and textual descriptions, the Field Guide is designed to be explored through a number of routes. 

One way to browse the material collected here is to follow the path laid out on the main page, which will take the virtual traveler from the Carpinteria Tar Pits up the 101 to Refugio State Beach, with stops along the way at Summerland, the Santa Barbara Harbor, and Coal Oil Point. On this path, you will find observational and historical descriptions and contemporary and archival images of each site.

Another way to navigate this material is by keyword. These interpretive routes are organized by thematic groupings like memory, ecology, and labor. The keywords forge connections between sites, histories, and perspectives that push against geographical and historical boundaries.

Yet another way to venture through the Field Guide is by doing keyword searches yourself, thus creating your own paths. The search function accesses the metadata for each item. Titles, dates of publication, and location are all potential search terms.

We hope that by providing many routes through this material, we allow virtual travelers to make unexpected discoveries, both along the paths we have created and the ones they discover.