281 - Final Project - a.a.

Wendy Cope's "He Tells Her"

This poem was one mentioned in both the article referenced in this essay. Slater writes, "In the aftermath of the US election, Wendy Cope's takedown of mansplaining... was shared far and wide - proving yet again that poetry resonates in troubled time" (2). Interestingly, this poem was written in 2006. However, it went viral around the time of the 2016 election when the term "mansplaining" was coined to reference society's foundation of patriarchal opinions.

Poetry has been used throughout time to reflect on various social issues; many women writers use feminist themes. In today's society, where the oppression of women has been exposed through the corruption of the government, there is finally discourse that indicates the struggles women have been facing since day one saying "we've had enough."

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