The 25th Infantry Band Timeline Project

Word Pleases the People

Word Pleases the People

 Missoula, Oct. 27. - [ Special to the Independent ] -Another rousing democratic meeting was held here tonight in honor of Hon. Sam Word, who was the principal speaker present. The K. of P. Hall was packed to its seating capacity. The 25th infantry band was stationed in the hall, playing old patriotic airs, while the audience was gathering. Upon the appearance of Mr. Word the band struck up "Rally Round the Flag," after which Mr. Word was greeted with tremendous cheering  After quiet had been restored W. J. Stephens, chairman of the democratic central committee, introduced the democratic war horse, Hon. Sam Word, who in a few well chosen words paid a glowing tribute to Missoula and to her enterprising citizens, and to the intelligent Interest of the people in the political questions of the day. No more clear or forcible speaker has ever addressed a political gathering in Missoula, holding his audience Interested listeners for an hour and a half. Mr. Word pledged himself at the commencement of his address to explain to his hearers free trade and protection until everyone should understand them, if he had to remain over Sunday to complete it. This remark elicited round after round of applause. The passage of the Mills bill was explained, but not a word was said in disparagement of Carter, save that he pictured to the audience the figure Mr. Carter would cut in the hall of congress, as he (Carter) would walk up the aisle demanding a repeal of the Mills bill. A glowing tribute was paid to W. A. Clark , which brought deafening applause at each mention of Montana's future delegate to congress. The ludicrous manner in which the free trade list of the republican party was enumerated kept the house in roars of laughter, as well as when he defined republican wool (shoddy) and then democratic wool. At the close of the speaker's address, Hon. Sam Word was pronounced the finest orator that has ever visited Missoula.

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