With Fraternal Honors
The Late Judge John Anderson Buried by the Masons at Missoula.
Officers and Members of the Order from Many Points Were Present.
Flags at Halt-Mast in Honor of the Esteemed Dead -- Applicants for His Position.
Missoula, Dec, 3 -- [Special.] -- The funeral of the late Judge John Anderson was held this afternoon and was largely attended. There were fully 100 Masons in line headed by the Twenty-fifth infantry band of Fort Missoula, followed by a long line of carriages. A number of friends and members of the order from Helena, Grantsdale, Corvallis, Victor, Stevensville, and other points arrived on the noon trains, and shortly after one o'clock the grand lodge of Montana was called to order in the hall of Missoula lodge No. 13, by Grand Master W. T. Boardman. Among the grand lodge officers present were Deputy Grand Master R. O. Hickman, Grand Secretary Cornelius Hedges, Junior Grand Wardan Jas. H. Mills and Past Grand Masters S W. Langhorne and A. S. Stackpole. After the services of the order were held at the hall the procession started for the cemetery. The pall-bearers were Past Grand Masters Langhorne, Hedges and Stackpole, Past Masters
Latimer, Chapman and Woody. At the cemetery the beautiful ceremonies of the Masonic order were conducted by Grand Master Boardman. The flags on the city hall and court house have been at half mast yesterday and to-day in respect to the deceased.