Treated Like Princes
Reception of the Anaconda Flambeau Club in the Garden City.
Special Dispatch to the Standard.
Missoula, Nov. 1. This has been Anaconda's day in Missoula. The weather was not very propitious, dark clouds hung over the city and the streets were muddy, but that did not dampen the ardor of the visitors or the reception committee of Missoulians. At 1 o'clock the executive committee of the Anaconda Capital club of Missoula, with the post band, proceeded to the depot, where they met the Anaconda Flambeau club. A line was formed and headed by the band they marched up to the local club's headquarters, and after introductions were assigned to quarters at the Missoula and Florence hotels. At 7:30 a line of march was formed on Higgins avenue, and with the 25th infantry band, the principal streets of the city were paraded. The streets of Missoula were never so crowded as they were to-night. Cheer after cheer went up as the different maneuvers of the club were gone through. The best of good feeling prevailed on all sides, and even those who had any leaning towards any other capital candidates, joined in the applause.
After the parade the club repaired to the opera house, where seats had been reserved for them and which was fillled to overflowing , and listened to speeches made by W. H. H. Dickinson and M. D. Crouch. Hon. Thomas Marshall was to have addressed the audience, but was prevented on account of sickness of his son. J. R. Toole of Anaconda replied on behalf of the visitors. The occasion has been an enjoyable one and has made many friends for the future capital city. During the parade the front of the Missoulian office was illuminated with red , white and blue lanterns.