To Observe the Day
Program for Exercises of Memorial Day -- Who Will Participate
Twenty-Fifth Iniatry Band and Two Companies from the Post to Be in the Parade
Memorial Day will be more appropriatly celebrated in Missoula than ever before. The graves of soldiers will be decorated this morning. The committees who have this in charge will leave the city about 9 o'clock. The decoration of graves in the Missoula valley and the Catholic cemetaries will be done by Mrs. W. H. H. Dickinson, Mrs. R. W. Angevine, Judge J. L. Sloane, Samuel Bellew and W. H. H. Dickinson, at Fort Missoula and Higgins cemeteries, Mrs. G. A. Pease, Miss Harriet Hord, W. H. Raymer, J. W. Moore, Wm. Bancroft and thirteen little girls who will be conveyed on their journey in the post band wagon which has been placed at their service by the officers at the post.
The parade in the afternoon will be at 2:30 o’clock, in order to allow the companies of troops under command of Capt. Wilson to reach the city after dinner. Following the parade the program in court house square will be rendered and in case the afternoon is wet the exercises will be held in Federation hall so there will be no disappointment.
The committee on program from the W R. C. and the G. A. R. consisting of Miss Harriet Hord, Judge J. L. Sloane and W. H. H. Dickinson also took up the matter of closing the stores on Memorial Day at noon for the remainder of the day and have met with success, but as it has been proclaimed a holiday, or holyday, there was no necessity for it; however, the following business houses have agreed to close:
Missoula Mercantile Co.
Andy Schilling
Bonner & Price.
L Kohn & Bro.
Sam F. Stuart & Co.
F. L. Darbee.
H. Samuels.
Tyler Worden.
Gilbert Rhodes.
J. M Lucy.
P. M. Reilly & Co.
Hosey & Phelan.
Jenkins & Fitzgerald.
Murphy & Worden.
J. Leiser.
Pulliam Bros.
Fisher Bros.
In fact it is hardly probable that any or the business places will remain open on Memorial Day afternoon. All public offices and banks will close. Prominent among those who will be in the parade will be two companies from Ft. Missoula and the 25th Infantry band, Missoula fire department and civic societies. bicycle club, etc.. including of course the G. A. R, W. C. R. and school children who are the centre of attraction on such days. The program :
Battalion 25th. Infantry.
Fred Winthrop Post No, 11 G. .A R.
Union and Confederate Veterans.
Civic Societies.
School Children.
Fire Department.
Bicyele Club.
Citizens in Carriages
Civic societies will be assigned positions in line in the order of their reporting to the Marshal.
Right of line resting on Higgins avenue and Front street, up Front street to Madison, up Madison to Pine, down Pine to Woody, down Woody to court house, where a hollow square will be formed around platform.
W. H. H. Dickinson,
Marshal of the day
Music ...... Band.
Salute the Flag ...... 25th. Infantry.
Salute the Flag ...... School Children
Music -- Star Spangled Banner ...... Choir
Memorial Services ...... G. A. R.
Memorial Services ...... W. R. C.
Decoration of Mounds by 13 girls and W. R. C.
During the decoration...... Hymn by Choir
Music -- America ...... Led by Band.
Intermission of 15 minutes.
Music ...... Band.
Why Are We Here ...... Com. Sloane.
Music ...... Choir
Address -- W. R. C ...... Miss Hattie Hord.
Music ...... Band
Intermission, 15 minutes
Music ...... Band
Address ...... Hon. F. C. Webster.
Music ...... Choir
Address ......
Music ...... Choir
Recitation ......
Music ...... Band
Concert by the Garden City Band in the evening.