The 25th Infantry Band Timeline Project

They Are Never Left


The Railroad Boys Will Hold a Picnic at Trout Creek.

Special to the Standard.

MISSOULA, July 8. - The employees of the Rocky Mountain division of the Northern Pacific railroad are issuing beautiful invitations to their fourth annual basket picnic, which will be held at Trout creek on the Coeur d'Alene branch on Saturday next. The train will leave Missoula at 6: 30 a. m., and returning leave Trout creek at 6: 30 p. m. The lists of officers and committees having the picnic in charge contain the names of such well-known and capable men as to leave no doubt that the occasion will be a most enjoyable and successful one, weather permitting. Much of the entertainment will consist of athletic sports, for the victors in which the various merchants of the city have donated beautiful and valuable prizes. Dancing to the music of the 25th infantry band will also be an important feature.


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