The 25th Infantry Band Timeline Project

Suspensions Raised


Montana: Wheelman Placed on the Active List by L. A. W. Racing Board


The Army Bicycle Corps on a Trial Run - Going to St. Louis - More Members of Garden City Cycle Club

Missoula, June 11 - The last number of the L. A. W. Bulletin contains the following list of Montana riders whose suspensions were raised June 3. These are the boys who were placed on the suspended list for riding Sundays and in unsanctioned races last year. The list is as follows:
Brown, -- Butler, -- Babcock, -- Harmon, -- Harrington, -- Lambertine, -- Milburn, -- Schwartz, -- Taylor, -- Ireland, Miles City, Mont -- Brown, Walter Daniels, Harry, Day, Charles Dell, W. O. Ferguson, -- Hensley, C. W. Kerr, C. W. Keefe, W. B. Lasswell, E. A. Law, Ed Marlett, Jack MeLeod, Carl Nichols, Pierce, WIlliam Peters, Troy Pendleton, C. W. Reber, Lyman Royce, C. A. Southwick, E. Shields, -- Wathey . E . H . Cooney, Butte, Mont. A. S. Church, Louis Copinus, D. J. Davis, A. B. Dudley, J. F. Kennedy, J. Kaufman, L. Lafontise, H. Lambke, Thomas Leonard, James Lyons, C. R. Morgan, B. J. Morgan, R. Ryan, Anaconda, Mont. Kent Clark, Hugh Clark, C. W. Chattin, Thomas Hathaway, Floyd Hyde, Ike Leiser, George Wall, Missoula, Mont.

This places the men on the active list again, but It may be that the arbitrary action of the L. A. W. racing board will put them on the other list before the season is over. It is to be hoped that there will be some means of compromise adopted by which the racing men of the West will have an equal show with their Eastern fellows, taking into consideration the local conditions that prevail.

The finishing touches are being placed upon the quarter mile track of the Garden City club this week and it is expected that in ten days the track will be ready for use. In the meantime the track at the race grounds is being used for the practice and training of the racers of this club. The new track has been constructed upon the site of the one that was used last summer, but it has been made much faster by raising the turns to six feet and putting new surface on the track all the way around. The work has been thoroughly done and as soon as the leveling and surfacing are completed the track will used by the wheelmen.

Lieutenant Moss had the 25th intantry corps in town this morning on one of their trial runs and the men attracted general attention from wheelmen. They were equipped as they will be on their long ride to St. Louis this month and their outfit is as compact and complete as any that has ever been seen here. Tents, rations, blankets and all the necessary equipment that the men will need on their trip are carried, even the cook outfit. No one who seen the outfit envies the cook in the load that he has to carry. It is not the weight so much as, the surface that his outfit presents to the, wind and he will have many a hard days pump in the winds of Nebraska. There will be an exhibition drill by the corps at the post to-morrow, Saturday, night and in connection with the drill the 25th infantry band will give one of its pleasant concerts. The cycle club will take a run out to see the exhibition and there will be a large attendance of citizens who are interested in the matter. The city wheelmen will meet at the Standard offce at 6 o'clock and will run at once to the post.

The membership list of the Garden City club is growing at a rate that is pleasing to those who have been working for the promotion of the club. The idea that racing is the prime object of the organization is erroneous and this is beginning to be understood. What the club wants more than anything else and what its members are working for steadfastly is the improvement of the streets and roads and it is believed that they are accomplishing something in that direction.

The work that has deen done on the streets lately is of first class order and Higgins avenue is getting into better shape than it has been for years. Now the department has men at work on the planking of the big bridge that has caused so much trouble this spring and the wheelmen and horsemen who have suffered the inconvenience of the rough bridge are feeling better.

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