School Days Ended
Missoula , June l - [Special to the Independent.] - The opera house was packed to-night, the occasion being the closing exercises of the Missoula high school, given by the graduating class. Excellent music was furnished by the Twenty-fifth Infantry band. The following graduates were presented with diplomas by the president, William Bickford Misses Louie M. Worden, Helen B. Hathaway, Clara H. Sporrier, Lillie M . Rice, Mary E. Case, Laura A. Stephens, Ida E. Freeman, Jessie E. Sloane, Jessie F. Swaney, and Masters George A. Stewart and Gilbert P. Mills. The young ladies looked charming. The essays and orations given by the class were excellent and called forth great applause. Large baskets of flowers were presented to the graduates by the audience . Much credit is due to Prof. Roark, who has brought the Missoula school to a very high standard, scholars attending from all parts of Montana.