The 25th Infantry Band Timeline Project

Public Lecture and Concert at Auditorium

Public Lecture and Concert at Auditorium

The people of Helena and vicinity will be offered the opportunity to attend a grand lecture by Hon. J. G. Tate, of Lincoln, Neb., supreme lecturer of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and T. N. Averill, grand-master workman of the order in Montana, at the Auditorium next Monday evening. The Twenty-fifth infantry band will be present to enliven the occasion by it superior music. The meeting will be open to the public free, and those who heard Mr. Tate when here in former years will desire to hear him again, as he is an eloquent orator. Those who have not yet heard him should improve this opportunity to do so. The meeting will open at eight o'clock sharp. Mr. Tate will lecture in Butte, Boseman, Livingston, Deer Lodge and other Montana points. Make a note of the date, Monday evening next.

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