The 25th Infantry Band Timeline Project

Press Association


The Missoula Item states that a meeting of the local newspaper men was held there on Wednesday, at which the following programme tor the entertainment of the Press Association there next week was determined upon:

On Thursday evening there will be a public reception In the K. of P. hall, at which time an address of welcome will be delivered by Mayor Sloane, and a number of speeches by members of the association. The Twenty-fifth infantry band will be In attendance.

On Friday evening a grand ball and supper will be given, for which invitations will be issued at once. The Post orchestra will furnish the music, and the supper will be served at the Hotel Florence.

On Saturday afternoon the excursion provided for in Mr. Edgar's letter will come off.

It is the Intention of the local members to make the visit of the press gang to Missoula one which will be ever remembered, and no trouble will be spared to make It pleasant.

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