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Rickards and Botkin Talk Against Time at Missoula
MISSOULA, Oct. 20. - [Special to the Miner.] - Early in the evening the Republican club to the number of 50, and with the Twenty-fifth infantry band, paraded through the streets. Bonfires were built and as much noise as possible was made with the anvils. This had the effect of drawing something of a crowd to the opera house. The train bearing Colonel Botkin was late, and Governor Rickards addressed the meeting. He attacked the democratic party from all sides, and claimed the credit of Montana's statehood for the republican party.
The favorite wool and lead items were worked upon and the extradition treaty with England was mentioned as a good thing to catch Irish voters with. He spoke of Precinct 34, his action as chairman of the state senate and made an effort to explain the 7-16 majority business.
Colonel Botkin arrived at 9:30 and Rickards acknowledged he had been talking against time and gave way to the colonel, who commenced by referring to the great extent and varied resources of Missoula county and then attacked the democratic national platform and Congressman Dixon's action in congress. It was nearly 11 p. m. when he closed and the audience had thinned out considerably.