Missoula Greets Dixon
The Congressman Tells the Plain Truth About Matters of Federal Legislation.
A Republican, Burrows, Killed the Mineral Land Bill in the House
A Majority of Democrats for and a Majority of Republicans Against Every Silver Bill.
MISSOULA, Oct. 26 - [Special.] - This evening the democrats got out in force to welcome the speakers at the opera house. After a parade by the Twenty-Fifth infantry band and the democratic club the opera house was filled to full standing capacity. Congressman Dixon was the first speaker introduced to the audience. He spoke at length and made the point that the democratic house wan not responsible for failure to pass certain needed legislation. The republican senate had defeated such legislation continually. He claimed for the democrats credit of the Chinese exclusion act and the eight hour law. The senate had failed to endorse other beneficial legislation passed by the house. He said the failure to pAas the mineral land bill was due to J. C. Burrows, a republican congressman. He recounted the history of that bill at length, referred to the tariff and free coinage, and closed by challenging any one to show a single instance where tho question of free silver had come up in congress that a majority of the democrats had not voted for it and a majority of the republicans against it.
J. C. Mahoney was next introduced and then Jesse Haston, both of whom spoke briefly. W. M. Bickford was the last speaker and was received with loud applause. He spoke for nearly an hour, holding his audience until the end, and touching on all the leading issues of the campaign.