Hon. W. J. Bryan in Hamilton
Over 4,000 People Listen to His Address — Enthusiasm of His Hearers Was Unbounded.
Special to the Inter Mountain.
Hamilton, Mont., Aug. 17. — The reception to Hon. W. J. Bryan here yesterday was a splendid one, more than 4,000 people from this city and the surrounding country listening to his address at the fair grounds. The business houses and residences were decorated profusely with 4 flags and bunting and the picture of the silver champion was everywhere displayed. About 11 o’clock a special train from Missoula, having on board a large number of excursionists and the 25th Infantry band from the fort arrived and the march was taken up to the fair grounds. Following the band came carriages containing Mr. Bryan, Mr. Daly, Mrs. Bryan and her hostess, Senator Mantle, Congressman Hartman, Senator Matts and others and the citizens fell in behind.
Hon. Robert A. O’Hara introduced Mr. Bryan to the multitude with a few remarks and as the latter appeared at the front of the stand he was greeted with round after round of applause and it was several minutes before he could commence his speech. He congratulated the people on living in such a beautiful part of the country and thanked them for their kind welcome. Continuing, Mr. G Bryan said:
"This last campaign was in many respects a remarkable one. The people began to study for themselves the financial problem and, so much confidence have I in the American people that I believe that they will ultimately arrive at the right solution of the problem. When a man is not sick he will not take medicine. When he is sick he may take the right medicine or the wrong. When a man’s physician gives him medicine and he finds that it does not work right he will eventually try another doctor. The people last fall discovered that the country was sick. The people, many of them, naturally turned each to his own party for relief. Some of them are already looking for a new physician and this careful study of the question will result in its ultimate settlement in the right way and in the success of our doctrine.”
He then took up the subjects of contraction of the currency and the greenback question and advised his hearers to go on with the work of educating the people of the east on the subject of silver.
After he had concluded his speech there were calls for Senator Mantle, Representative Hartman and Senator Matts, each of whom responded briefly. Mr. Daly was called for but did not respond. After the speech making Mrs. Bryan received the ladies in the grand stand and Mr. Bryan shook hands with the crowd at the foot of the steps of the judges' stand. It was 1 o'clock before this ceremony was ended and Mr. Bryan drove away, followed by repeated cheers.
Mr. Bryan and party left for Missoula this afternoon, where. he speaks at the court ‘house grounds later in the day. Missoula people have made great preparations to receive the party and the town is gaily decorated.