Missoula, Feb. 1. - The following communication from R. W. Tellis, the member of the Twenty-fifth Infantry band who was a party to an affair which received brief mention in the Standard yesterday, will explain itself. Mr. Tellis is to be congratulated upon being able to amicably adjust a "misunderstanding" with a woman in so easy a manner. The letter, which was left at the Standard office to-day, reads as follows:
To the Anaconda Standard.
"In the issue of the Standard of the 31st ult. appeared an article accusing me of beating a woman and of being fined $10 and cost by the court. This is erroneous and for the sake of my reputation I would ask that this correction be made. There was a misunderstanding between a woman and myself, but our differences were amicably settled between us out of court. By making this correction you will oblige,
R. W. Tellis,
Twenty-fifth Infantry Band.