Emancipation Day
The colored citizens of Butte have arranged for a grand celebration of Emancipation day, Sunday, September 22, at Columbia gardens, under the auspices of S. B. Lodge No. 2989, G. U. O. O. F., which will be participated in by the colored people from throughout the state, and which will, no doubt, be one of the greatest celebrations of the year. Governor J. E. Rickards, Mayor Thompson, Colonel Bradshaw and many other prominent speakers of the state will deliver addresses on the occasion.
Rev. Charles E. Cushingberry will be orator of the day. One of the principal features of the day will be the unveiling of the bust of Lincoln, accompanied by special music for the occasion by a choir composed entirely of colored ladies and gentlemen.
The secretary of war has kindly granted permission to the Twenty-fifth infantry band of Fort Missoula, to attend and they wil furnish the music for the day. In the afternoon there will be a programme of races for a valuable prizes, and in the evening there will be a concert which will conclude with a laughable sketch, "Life on the Banks of the Mississippi."
The ever popular "Cake Walk" will be held, and the prizes contested for by entries from all over the state, who are determined to take the honor away from Butte. The programme is one of the strongest ever offered the public and is worth of its patronage.