Emancipation Day
The Colored People Make Arrangements for a Glorious Time.
Butte, Aug. 24 -- The colored people of Butte are making preparations for a great celebration of Emancipation day, Sept. 22, and if present plans are carried out it will eclipse anything ever attempted in this part of the country. When the scheme for a big celebration was first taken up, a few weeks ago, the committee wrote to the secretary of war asking permission for the Twenty-fifth infantry band at Fort Missoula to come to Butte and take part in the affair. To-day Charles Sager received a telegram from Col. H. A. Leonhaeuser, adjutant of the Twenty-fifth infantry, that the secretary had granted permission to the band to come to Butte. The band is composed of 24 colored musicians, and it is possible that they will be accompanied by a company of the colored regulars. A number of the prominent men in the state have been invited to attend, and many will undoubtedly accept.