The 25th Infantry Band Timeline Project

Didn't Know It Was Loaded


Two Colored Soldiers Monkey With a Gun and One is Killed

MISSOULA , October 14 - A shooting affray occurred at Fort Missoula Saturday which at first was thought to have been accidental and of no serious consequence, reports being meagre [sic] and of a conflicting nature. From the most reliable source heard from up to this time the following information has been gleaned: The man who did the shooting was Chas. Fisher, a barkeeper for Wm. Boyle, who keeps a saloon across the river, four miles from here. The victim was a man named Whalen , a member of the 25th infantry band. Fisher and Whalen are colored men and have been the best of friends and much inclined to rather severe jokes on each other, and the shooting is said to be the outcome of a rough joke. On Saturday both men were in the soloon [sic] and Whalen


and, pointing it at Fisher in a playful mood, immediately laid it down, both going about their work again. In about an hour afterward Fisher called to Whalen to come into the saloon, which he did and was met at the door by Fisher, who pointing the gun at him without any intention of shooting, was horrified to find the gun was loaded and cocked. No sooner was the gun pointed at Whalen than he fell, the charge having struck him in the head. The wounded man was immediately conveyed to the post hospital. Fisher came here and told of the affair to different parties, but did not think it would amount to anything serious. Whalen is a married man , his wife residing here, who, upon hearing of the matter had Fisher arrested and placed in the city jail. Whalen remained unconscious most af [sic] the time, death resulting about 10 o'clock Saturday evening. Fisher will have a hearing before Judge Sloan, when the facts will be brought to light.

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