Company D's Reception
Entertained 250 Guests and the Military Band at a Banquet Saturday Night.
Company D, of the Twenty-fifth infantry, gave a reception and dance New Year's night for the Twenty-fifth infantry band. About 250 guests were present and joined in the mirth and gayety until midnight, when all sat down to supper, consisting of turkeys, chickens, hams, salads, saratoga chips, ices, cakes, candied fruits, nuts and coffee. Ices and punch were served throughout the evening.
The squad room was prettily decorated with flags and martial pictures, the gun racks shining with glistening steel, but the piece that attracted the greatest attention was a mountain howitzer, wreathed and covered with similax and carnations, that deadly weapon of destruction looking as beautiful and as innocent as a token of peace instead of war.
It was an affair that will long be held in remembrance by those who had the pleasure of attending it.