At Fort Missoula
FORT MISSOULA, Mont., Jan. 21. - [Special correspondence to the Missoulian] - In spite of the hard times the troops at the fort are enjoying themselves immensely with a series of fine entertainments during the winter. The last of these, a masquerade ball given at the post hall on the night of the 18th inst. by the enlisted men of the command, was largely attended and showed quite a talent in this line by the clever and popular managers of the affair, Miss Lettie Pillow and Mr. R. W. Tellies, our popular comedian and all around hustler. Quite a large number of civilians from the Bitter Root valley were present, and, from all appearances, enjoyed themselves hugely. The officers of the garrison and their families were also interested spectators of the scene. In fact, under the present commanding officer, anything of this nature, tending to enliven the dull monotony of frontier garrison life is sure of receiving the heartiest encouragement and support. Contrary to the usual custom, the masked characters made a much better showing than ever before. Among the characters represented were: The Japanese girl, the fair (?) Quakeress, the Barber of Seville, the flower girl, the nun, America, etc. Most of the costumes were accurate and well-fitting, and showed the work of an experienced hand. Probably the most amusing feature of the evening was the unmasking, when a fair dame, sporting a wealth of blonde ringlets, a white tulle dress daintily looped with crimson ribbons and sash, ladies' opera shoes and cloak, and who had been the recipient of the must delicate attentions on the part of the post "mashers," suddenly pulled off her mask and wig, disclosing the close-shaved head and grinning, black face of one of Missoula's popular barbers. The excellent programme rendered by the 25th infantry band, under the efficient leadership of Professor Hopkins, bandmaster, was highly appreciated by all. F. R.