The 25th Infantry Band Timeline Project

A Fair Debutante


Miss Nita Bonner Gracefully Ushered Into the Social World

The reception given by Mrs. E. L. Bonner at Carelsieta Villa, South Missoula, on Friday evening as a debut party for her daughter, Miss Nita Bonner, was by far the most enjoyable event of the social season. The double parlors were thrown into one and made a commodious reception room. Mrs. Bonner and her daughter received in the doorway of the front parlor. Mrs. Bonner was gowned in a beautiful old gold and dark red silk dress , while the fair debutante wore a beautiful creation of Worth's. It was of white satin, trimmed in Holland point lace, ornamented with pearls. One hundred and fifty invitations were sent out and almost every one accepted.

After the reception the entire party adjourned to the magnificent ball room where Prof. Steele's orchestra played excellent music for the devoted terpsichoreans. The ball room was tastily decorated with garlands of evergreens and cut flowers.

Between the dances the Twenty-Fifth infantry band discoursed splendid serenades from their station on the lawn. This came as a pleasant surprise to the entire party, and was the happy idea of Major McKibbin, the commanding officer at Fort Missoula.

At midnight the dining rooms were thrown open, and the many tables were found to be fairly weighted down with a load of delicate refreshments. After luncheon the dancing was continued until a late hour.

It would be impossible to enumerate the people who were there or to describe the many new and beautiful gowns worn in honor of the occasion. Many were the exclamations of delight uttered at the generous hospitality extended. And many were the friends who joined in wishing that the charming young debutante's whole life might be passed surrounded by as happy and as enchanted a world as she had created for her friends in that eventful night.

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